
Prerequisite: Python 3

snowmicropyn is written in the Python programming language. You need to have Python 3.4 (or later) installed on your machine to run snowmicropyn.

To check if your computer has Python installed, open a Terminal Window and type

python --version


When both Python 2 and Python 3 are installed on your computer, usually you run Python 2 with the command python and Python 3 with the command python3.

If you have Python installed, you’ll get a version string returned. In case you get a response like “command not found” or a version smaller than 3.4.x, you have to install or update Python.

How to install Python? Download an official package or follow the instructions from the Python Guide.

Make sure you install the latest Python 3 release.

Installing snowmicropyn

So you managed to install Python 3 on your computer. Well done! Now, by using the pip command (which is part of Python), the installation of snowmicropyn is a piece of cake. Open a terminal window and type:

pip install snowmicropyn


When both Python 2 and Python 3 are installed on your computer, you may need to type pip3 instead of pip.

This will install the latest version of snowmicropyn available on PyPI and its dependencies. In case you want to install a specific version of snowmicropyn, append it to the package name as in this example:

pip install snowmicropyn==0.1.3

That’s about it. We hope you managed to get snowmicropyn on your machine.


You may consider using a virtual environment to separate your snowmicropyn installation from other projects. But that’s already a more advanced topic.


A good place to start getting into Python is the Python Guide.


In case you installed snowmicropyn before and like to upgrade to the latest version available, execute the following command:

pip install snowmicropyn --upgrade --no-cache-dir


Getting rid of snowmicropyn is simple too:

pip uninstall snowmicropyn